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Table 1 Barriers to Global Action on AMR by Policy Stage

From: Developing an approach to assessing the political feasibility of global collective action and an international agreement on antimicrobial resistance

Policy Stage


Associated Stakeholders

Agenda Setting

Lack of Data

National Governments

Supranational Organizations

Civil Society Organizations

Agricultural Industry

Pharmaceutical Industry

Achieving Public Engagement

National Governments

Civil Society Organizations

Competing Health Priorities

National Governments

Pharmaceutical Industry

Agreement Formulation

Unknown Impact of AMR Control Policies

National Governments

Supranational Organizations

Civil Society Organizations

Agricultural Industry

Pharmaceutical Industry

Reconciling Mandates, Business Models, and Perspectives of Key Stakeholders

National Governments

Supranational Organizations

Cost Distribution & Funding

National Governments

Supranational Organizations

Pharmaceutical Industry

Agreement Legitimation

Lack of Enforcement of International Law

National Governments

Supranational Organizations

Civil Society Organizations

Agricultural Industry

Pharmaceutical Industry

Enacting Binding Rules on a Global Scale

National Governments

Supranational Organizations

Fragmentation of Global Health Governance and Initiatives

Supranational Organizations

Agreement Implementation

Unregulated Distribution of Antimicrobials (legal and counterfeit)

National Governments

Civil Society Organizations

Pharmaceutical Industry

Lack of Capacity and Infrastructure

National Governments

Civil Society Organizations

Agricultural Industry

Pharmaceutical Industry

Reconciling Domestic Political Powers

National Governments

Coordinating Actors

National Governments

Supranational Organizations