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Table 3 Sample Schedules for ICT in Maternal Health Short Courses I and II

From: A globally networked hybrid approach to public health capacity training for maternal health professionals in low and middle income countries

Short Course I

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Introduction and Short Course Evaluation Intake

Smart Databases and Registries: REDCap Basics

Web applications: WordPress and HTML Basics

Cloud Computing: OwnClowd, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services Basics

Team presentations of ICT project

ICT in Maternal Health: What’s the Evidence

Smart Databases and Registries: i2b2 workshop

Web applications: WordPress and HTML workshop

Social networking: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Analytics

Feedback from mentors/participants

Working lunch: Meet the Faculty/Brainstorming

Working lunch: Develop a logic model for maternal health problem

Working lunch: Create an ICT product plan

Working lunch: Refine your plans

Working lunch: ICT and Community Engagement

Social, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in ICT

mHealth applications: PhoneGap and OpenMEAP Basics

Analytics: EpiInfo Basics

Sustainability of ICT and public health projects

ICT in Maternal Health, Revisited

Facilitated completion of Citi Program/Ethics Course in Spanish

mHealth applications: PhoneGap and OpenMEAP workshop

Workshop with Mentors

Site visit to Cenfotec Labs

Short Course Evaluation/Closeout

Short Course II

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Introduction and Short Course Evaluation Intake

Implementing ICT Interventions

Lab workshop with mentors

Advanced Communications technologies

What comes next? Team Presentations

Taking Stock: Where are you now? Team Presentations

ICT Research in Communities

Lab workshop with mentors

Creating a Community of Practice: ICT for Maternal Health

Feedback from mentors/participants

Lunch ICT Presentation

Lunch ICT Presentation

Lunch ICT Presentation

Lunch ICT Presentation

Lunch ICT Presentation

ICT Usability Assessment

Finding Funding for ICT I: Grants and Contracts

ICT Training Strategies

Global Health ICT Resources

Meeting with Ministries of Health and Technology

ICT Usability Assessment Workshop

Finding Funding for ICT II: Crowdfunding

Workshop with Mentors

ICT in Maternal Health: Evaluation

Short Course Evaluation/Closeout