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Table 1 Governance domains and system characteristics

From: Strategies and governance to reduce health inequalities: evidences from a cross-European survey


Systems characteristics

1. Political commitment

Clear political commitment in terms of national and regional plan and strategies

2. Intelligence

Evidence and information on health inequities and SDH to:

• inform policy and investment decisions

• monitor progress

• hold stakeholders to account

3. Accountability structures and systems

Legislative structures and systems enabling intersectoral action on equity and SDH at European, national and local levels. Statutory governance boards capable of holding all stakeholders to account. Legislative structures and systems: (i) enabling formation and action of NGOs and civil society groups as partners in action to reduce inequities; and (ii) monitoring progress

4. Policy coherence across government sectors and levels

Formal framework setting out stakeholders involved in action for improving equity in health Framework linked to ministerial portfolios and budgets, nationally and locally. Government policy audited through health impact assessment and equity impact assessment. Instruments that institutionalize collaboration across sectors and levels of government.

5. Involving local people

Commitment to participation of local people and subnational authorities in policy design and review. Instruments and systems that secure community involvement in solutions. Intelligence and data on health, equity and SDH made accessible within the public domain – locally, nationally and across Europe.

6. Institutional and human resource capacity

Capacity development, including:

• development of competent and trained staff

• institutional processes

7. Modernized public health

Review of public health training and practice

8. Learning and innovation systems

Commitment to continuous improvement in understanding the efficacy of policies and interventions to reduce inequities. Commitment to ongoing performance review/improvements in governing for equity in health, through action on SDH