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Table 2 Estimated effect adjusted of anti-smoking legislation on birth outcomes in Peru

From: The impact of anti-tobacco legislation on birth weight in Peru


2008 legislation

Crude difference (95% CI)

Adjusted difference (95% CI)

Birth weight (g)

−4.32 (− 7.83, − 0.81)

− 3.10 (− 6.57, 0.37)

Prematurity (%)

− 0.29 (− 0.35, − 0.23)

−0.30 (− 0.42, − 0.19)

Small for gestational age (%)

−1.81 (− 1.95, − 1.68)

−0.06 (− 0.25, 0.13)

  1. Models adjusted for the following variables: mother’s age, level of education, marital status, and parity, newborn year of birth, gender, place of birth, health care provider for childbirth, area of residence, poverty quintiles, and altitude