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Table 1 Summary of qualitative results

From: Local characterization of the COVID-19 response: the case of a lockdown in Lusaka, Zambia

Global theme


Positive characterization

Contains the spread of COVID-19

Helps prevent the possibility of overwhelming the healthcare system

Helps in building a coordinated response

Gives government time to prepare appropriate responses

It’s the most logical response to a novel contagious disease

Negative characterization

Closes down opportunities for people to make money

Leads to job loses

Leads to bankruptcy and closure of businesses

Increases poverty at household level

Inhibits opportunities for the government to raise resources

It is an overreaction to a problem that is not as bad as in many other diseases

Gives law enforcement agencies legitimacy to be violent towards citizens

Worsens mental health

Increases rates of domestic violence

Increases the risk of child sexual abuse in homes

Might give government a basis to scale up and justify oppression

Gives raise to government corruption through the lack of citizen engagement

There fewer number of deaths does not justify the lockdown