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Table 3 Reasons for informal payments from the perspective of health care providers and recipients in Iran

From: Reasons for informal payments from the perspective of health care providers and recipients: a qualitative study in Iran

Main themes


MT1: economic factors

Improper tariff valuation of services

Failure to increase tariffs proportionate to inflation

Lack of comprehensive participation of stakeholders in determining tariffs

Tariff inconsistency in the public, private and charity sectors

Failure to pay financial claims on time by insurance companies

Insufficient coverage of basic and specialized services by insurance companies

MT2: socio-cultural factors

Decreased social capital of the medical community among the people

Improving the quality of life

Incorrect comparison of providers' income levels with the income of doctors in other countries

Existence of a culture of gratitude and appreciation

Health as a priority for society

Pride of service recipients (luxury in receiving services)

Pride of service providers (merit in providing services)

Lack of attention to ethical-religious issues by both providers and recipients of services

Insufficient attention to teaching professional ethics at universities and the workplace

MT3: service delivery challenges

High professional skills of the doctor

Use of modern medical equipment

The difficulty of the medical profession and the lack of attention to the needs of the medical community during education

The monopoly of some doctors

MT4: legal-political factors

Inadequate monitoring by upstream organizations

Lack of strict rules

Difficulty of proving informal payments

Presence of stakeholders in management and policy making processes