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Table 1 Prevalence of polypharmacy among adults stratified by population characteristics in overall, year of 1999–2000 and 2017–2018

From: Prevalence and trends of polypharmacy in U.S. adults, 1999–2018


Overall (n = 55,081)

1999–2000 (n = 4880)

2017–2018 (n = 5569)



4113 (15.5)

210 (9.3)

547 (20.2)


5035 (17.6)

298 (11.4)

581 (20.3)


 20–39 year

407 (2.2)

8 (0.5)

47 (2.8)

 40–64 year

3524 (15.9)

188 (10.5)

404 (17.0)

  ≥ 65 year

5217 (37.1)

312 (22.4)

677 (45.1)


 Mexican American

991 (10.3)

78 (6.1)

95 (12.9)

 Other Hispanic

600 (13.3)

31 (10.0)

83 (16.1)

 Non-Hispanic White

5007 (20.6)

279 (12.6)

538 (27.8)

 Non-Hispanic Black

1975 (17.2)

103 (11.3)

279 (21.5)

 Other Race—Including Multi-Racial

575 (11.2)

17 (10.4)

133 (12.3)

Education level

 High School or below

5132 (18.4)

339 (11.3)

559 (22.9)

 College or above

3993 (14.7)

163 (8.8)

566 (18.2)

Family income-to-poverty ratio (PIR)

  ≤ 1.0

2735 (17.4)

188 (11.6)

338 (19.9)

  > 1.0

6413 (16.3)

320 (9.8)

790 (20.4)

Disease status


6822 (35.7)

347 (23.3)

862 (40.7)


5489 (32.5)

243 (20.8)

716 (36.8)


3673 (55.0)

184 (38.3)

523 (59.7)

 Heart disease

2944 (59.1)

190 (42.1)

346 (65.7)

 Respiratory disease

2854 (30.1)

161 (21.9)

371 (34.3)


1843 (35.7)

76 (19.7)

243 (41.3)

  1. Values are presented as unweighted frequency (percentage)