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Table 2 The adapted CUGH Global health competencies in Chinese context

From: Adaptation of the CUGH global health competency framework in the Chinese context: a mixed-methods study

1. 全球疾病负担

Global Burden of Disease


Understand the distribution and causes of major disease burden in high-, middle- and low-income countries, territories and areas


  Understand the morbidity and mortality of major disease around the world, and the indicators and trends of disease burden


  Ability to acquire disease and health information of target population through public literature and data


  Ability to analyze key issues or challenges in the global health arena

2. 影响健康的社会经济、环境和行为因素

Socioeconomic, Environmental and Behavioral Determinants of Health

了解社会、经济、环境和行为是健康的重要影响因素及其之间的相互作用, 健康不仅是没有疾病, 健康在所有相关政策中有所体现。

Understand that social, economic, environmental and behavioral factors, along with their interactions, are important determinants of health. Health is more than the absence of disease, which should be considered in all policies


  Understand how cultural context, religion and education influence perceptions of health and disease

  2.2能够列出影响健康的主要社会和经济因素, 及其对医疗卫生服务可及性和质量的影响。

  List major social and economic determinants of health and their effects on the access to and quality of health services


  Understand the relationship between access to and quality of water, food, sanitation, air, earth and health facilities on individual and population health


  The ability to describe the behavioral factors of health determinants

3. 全球化对人群健康、卫生系统和医疗服务的影响

The Impact of Globalization on Population Health, Health Systems and Healthcare


Understand how globalization affects health, health systems and health care

  3.1能够描述典型国家卫生体系类型或医疗服务模式, 及其对健康和卫生支出的影响。

  Describe typical national healthcare systems or healthcare service models and their impacts on health and health care expenditure


  Describe the impact of commerce, culture, health and other factors on local and global health care, while taking into account globalization


  Understand the incentives and limitations of Intellectual Property system for health technology Research & Development (R&D), including pharmaceuticals

4. 全球卫生领域的重要倡议和行动

Major Global Health Initiatives and Efforts

了解全球卫生的历史和重要倡议, 能够辩证地思考全球卫生优先领域的演变以及当前的全球卫生行动。

Knowledge of global health history and major initiatives, and the ability to think critically about the changing priorities on global health issues and current global health efforts


  Knowledge of major global health initiativies


  Knowledge of major global health efforts


  Knowledge of major diseases around the world and major intervention strategies of public health issues

  4.4了解全球卫生的历史和现状, 能够分析经验和教训。

Knowledge of global health history and its current situation, and the ability to analyze and learn from the past


Ethics, Health Equity and Social Justice

具备在运用基本伦理准则处理全球卫生问题的能力; 具备运用卫生公平和社会正义分析框架处理不同社会环境、人口学或地理学特征人群所面对的健康不公平问题的能力。

Ability to address global health issues with the basic principles of ethics; ability to address health disparities by health equity and social justice frameworks across socially, demographically, or geographically defined populations

  5.1在不同经济、政治、文化和宗教背景下工作时, 或与弱势群体工作时, 能够判断卫生项目是否能够符合当地的伦理规范, 理解并能够制定出符合基本伦理准则和适合当地情境的解决方案。

  Ability to identify whether health projects are in accordance with local ethics, to resolve common ethical issues and challenges that arise when working within diverse economic, political, cultural and religious contexts as well as when working with vulnerable populations


  Awareness of local and national codes of ethics relevant to one’s working environment


  Apply the fundamental principles of international standards for the protection of human subjects in diverse cultural settings


  Understand the barriers to access and equity of primary health care services for populations in developing countries


  Implement strategies to engage marginalized and vulnerable populations in making decisions that affect their health and well-being


  Demonstrate a basic understanding of the relationships between health disparities, human rights, and global inequities


  Demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility


Sociocultural, Political Awareness and Policy Promotion

社会文化和政治意识是在不同文化背景下, 在地方、区域、国家和国际政治环境中有效工作的重要前提。

Sociocultural and political awareness is the conceptual basis with which to work effectively within diverse cultural settings and across local, regional, national and international political landscapes

  6.1 能够描述影响全球卫生发展的主体之间的角色及其关系, 描述全球卫生行为体的多元化、不同类别行为体在全球卫生治理中的作用、贡献和面临的挑战以及应对策略。

  Describe the roles and relationships among actors that influence global health development, describe the various global health actors, the role of different types of actors in global health governance, their contribution and challenges, and coping strategies

  6.2能够描述中国基本国情、中国的全球卫生角色、地位和作用, 以及新形势下中国开展全球卫生工作的主要方针和政策。

  Describe China's basic national conditions, roles, and policies in global health under new situations


  Awareness of the information of politics, culture, environment, society, religion, law, diplomacy and national security

  6.4熟知工作国的政策程序和政治特征, 具有在复杂的政策环境下将数据、证据和方案转换成政策表述、政策文件以及将相关政策推动落实的能力。

  Familiar with the policy procedures and political characteristics of the target country, with the ability to translate data, evidence and work plans into policy statements, policy documents and the implementation of relevant policies in a complex policy environment

7. 与全球卫生相关的个人基本素养和专业实践积累

Personal Competencies and Professional Practice


The necessary competencies, knowledge, skills and practical experience needed for professional activities

  7.1 能够运用工作环境的官方语言进行有效沟通, 跨文化开展工作。

  Communicate effectively in the official language of the target context and the ability to work cross-culturally


  Emotion management skills, strong psychological endurance and skills and abilities to cope with and resolve conflicts


  Demonstrate integrity in all aspects of professional practice


  Ability to apply discipline-specific skills and practice in a resource-constrained setting


Capacity Strengthening

能力加强是指通过分享知识、技能和资源、完善全球公共卫生项目和基础设施、促进人力资源培养, 来解决目前和未来的全球公共卫生需求。

Capacity strengthening is sharing knowledge, skills and resources for enhancing global public health programmes, infrastructure and workforce to address current and future global public health needs.

  8.1能够与合作方共同评估卫生服务提供机构的卫生服务提供能力, 识别差距, 提出有针对性的建议。

  Collaborate with a host or partner organization to assess the organization’s operational

  Capacity, identify gaps and propose corresponding recommendations

  8.2能够在跨国界/跨文化的情况下, 与社区合作制定提升人员能力的策略和具体措施。

  Cocreate strategies with the community to strengthen community capabilities, in a cross-border or cross cultural context

  8.3能够从优化配置的角度, 向合作机构和社区提供资源整合的依据和建议。

  Integrate community assets and resources to improve the health of individuals and populations


Collaboration, Partnering and Communication

合作伙伴关系是为了改善人群健康, 与各类全球卫生利益相关者开展合作, 从而推动研究、影响卫生实践和政策制定的能力, 以及与合作伙伴和团队内部建立开放式对话和有效沟通的能力。

Collaborating and partnering is the ability to select, recruit and work with a diverse range of global health stakeholders to advance research, policy and practice goals, and to foster open dialogue and effective communication with partners and within a team

  9.1 具备跨学科视角和文化敏感性, 尊重和理解从事全球卫生工作的专业人士和团体所代表的独特文化、价值观、角色/职责和专业。

  Exhibit interprofessional values and communication skills that demonstrate respect for, and awareness of, the unique cultures, values, roles/responsibilities and expertise represented by other professionals and groups that work in global health


  Demonstrate communication skills and information dissemination skills with partners from different cultural backgrounds


  Apply leadership practices that support collaborative practice and team effectiveness


Programme Management

项目管理能力包括设计、实施、督导和评估全球卫生项目, 以最大程度促进全球卫生政策的可及性、有效性、可持续地改善卫生服务、促进健康。

Programme management is ability to design, implement, supervise and evaluate global health programmes to maximize contributions to effective policy, enhanced practice, and improved and sustainable health outcomes

  10.1具备项目设计能力, 能够与当地人员共同基于循证原则对当地人群健康需求进行评估和策略分析。

  Plan project, collaborate with local personnel, to analyze the health needs of target populations by evidence-based principles

  10.2具备组织项目实施能力, 能够应用项目管理技能, 因地制宜实施项目或开展干预措施。

  Implement project, apply project management skills, implement interventions according to local conditions

  10.3具备项目督导评估能力, 促进项目可持续发展。

  Supervise and evaluate project to promote sustainable development of the project

  1. A full version of Table 2 with footnotes is available in Additional file 9